Compass Writing Test

The Compass Writing Test assesses your ability to use grammatical structures correctly in English.

The Compass test in writing also evaluates your skills in sentence construction and mechanics, rhetorical style, punctuation, and organizational and logical flow.

The grammatical and stylistic conventions tested on the Compass writing exam include:

  • subject and verb agreement
  • relative clauses
  • organizational shifts
  • capitalization
  • punctuation
  • spelling
  • style

In the writing part of the Compass test, you will see passage which contains underlined or highlighted phrases. You will have to determine if the phrase is correct as given.

You will then need to choose the correct version of the phrase from the multiple choice options provided.

For a free sample of practice materials for the Compass Writing Test, please visit our practice tests page.

The Compass Writing Test should not be confused with e-Write, which is the Compass Test essay.

For more information on the Compass Test in Writing and Compass Essay Writing, please visit the official ACT website.